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Our Parish Council 

The Governing Body of the Church

The Role of the Parish Council

To serve on a Parish Council is a ministry and all those who serve are called to represent Christ and the Orthodox Faith to all whom they meet in all aspects of life. The Parish Council shall consist of the Priest, as the head of the Parish, and a number of elected lay members fixed by the Parish Bylaws or by local statute according to the needs of the Parish.


The Parish Council is responsible to the Parish Assembly and to the respective Hierarch for conducting all Parish affairs in keeping with the mission, aims and purposes of the Church as set forth in the Charter and these Regulations. The Parish Council shall be deemed to mean also Board of Trustees or Board of Directors when such designations are required by local statute. The Priest shall be a non-voting member of the Parish Council.


To qualify to run for election to the Parish Council, one must be an Orthodox Christian in good standing with the Church, a regular and active participant in Sunday Liturgical services, and a pledging steward of Saint Sophia for a minimum of one year. 

Fr. Peter Kostakis -- Presiding Priest
Christine Babinski -- President
Paula Dart -- Vice President
Demetrius E. Tasoulas -- Secretary
Gregory Simones -- Treasurer
Mark Roberts -- Assistant Treasurer
JoAnn Ballassi
Ted James
Janice Krotsis
Demetrios Petros
Richard Se’Mon
William Woloshin



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